[JAVA] JAVA에서의 형변환(casting)
2021. 12. 23. 15:52
1. 문자 -> 숫자
- String -> Int
String testA = "12345"; int testB = Integer.parseInt(testA);
- String -> Double, Float
//String -> Double String testA = "10"; double testB = Double.valueOf(testA); //String -> Float String testA = "10"; float testB = Float.valueOf(testA);
2. 숫자 -> 문자
- Int-> String
int testA = 12356; String testB = Integer.toString(testA);
- Double, Float -> String
//1번방식 => String.valueOf(Float값,Double값) //2번방식 => Float.toString(Float값,Double값) float testF = 10.10; double testD = 10.10; String testS; testS = String.valueOf(testF); //Float -> String (1번방식) testS = Float.toString(testF); //Float -> String (2번방식) testS = String.valueOf(testD); //Double -> String (1번방식) testS = Double.toString(testD); //Double -> String (2번방식)
3. 정수 <-> 실수
- Double, Float -> Int
//(int)실수값 double testD = 10.101010; float testF = 10.1010 int testI; testI = (int)testD; //Double-> Int testI = (int)testF; //Float -> Int
- Int -> Double, Float
//(int)실수값 int testI = 10; double testD = (double)testI; //Int -> Double float testF = (float)testI; //Int -> Float
4. 기타
- String -> Date(문자 -> 날짜)
String testA = "2021-12-23 11:11:11"; //testA의 날짜 형식과 동일하게 맞춰줍니다. //2021-12-23 11:11:11 -> yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss SimpleDateFormat fm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date testB = fm.parse(testA);
- String -> JSON
//1. Json 문자열 String strJson = "{\"playerName\":\"son\", " + "\"playerNum\":\"7\"," + "\"playerInfo\":{" + "\"age\":30," + "\"foot\":\"right\"" + "}" + "}"; //2. Parser JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser(); //3. To Object Object obj = jsonParser.parse(strJson); //4. To JsonObject JSONObject jsonObj = (JSONObject) obj; //print System.out.println(jsonObj.get("playerName")); //son System.out.println(jsonObj.get("playerNum")); //7 System.out.println(jsonObj.get("playerInfo")); // {"age":30,"foot":"right"}